Shridi Sai Baba Seva Food for Poor People

Dear Sai Devotee,

Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai,

A Hearty Welcome to our World Shridi Sai Baba Seva – Non Profit Organization.

Here you can find many adds (banners) of your right side. by clicking the adds (banners) & registering in that adds, we will get the money from that banners to use this money of food for poor people in this world.

Just spend your time for poor people by clicking & register the adds and you can post your comments & blessing to reach SAI BABA’s Feet by this blog and refer to your family members & friends.

Please feel free to contact me or if you have any questions or suggestions.

We need your continuous support to serve all poor persons with bread & butter.

I am sure you will enjoy being here and be a part of the world Shridi Sai Baba Seva Family Member.

Please feel free to Introduce yourself in the blog & Introductions so that other members know you're here.

With Best Regards,

Sai Devotee (On behalf of World Shridi Sai Baba Seva Family Member)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

A good way to start Sai s eva -Lets follow the Guru Mantra !!

- Shirdi Saibaba
This Guru Mantra truly reminds me about one of my friends, Mrs.Dimple -- who is workingalong with 50+ women to make a difference in some one's life. 'They are a group of womenfrom a small town in the State of Andhra Pradesh, South India whose goal is todo something for the development of women and children in the areas where our help is muchneeded and appreciated.Hence they have started a small team to reach out and help the poor and needy..
Indira Mahila Mandali
of the Women :: for the Women :: by the Women(

)I salute to all those 50 plus women who not only beleive in the teachings of Baba but are alsotrying their level best to follow them and live by those morals to the best of their ability ..In near by villages and surrounding areas where women do not have any economicindependence, since neither did they attend any school and nor are they able to send their children to school because of their limited income. Infact they use them as child labourers or  baby sitters.. And some families who are indeed fortunate enough to be able to send their kids toschool ,would rather send their male child to school and prefer leaving the female child illiterate.And on top of that to add to the already ongoing problem, child marriages still do exist eventhough it is illegal , giving rise to teen pregnacy's and rise in death rate of young women. Thehealth awarness for such women are rarely given any importance.And this is where the Indira Mahila Mandali which consists of a little over 50 women have joined hands together to follow the teachings of Shri Sadguru Sainath and are actively followingthe Guru Mantra : Service to Humanity is Service to God.All of us reading this mail are sitting in the comfort of our homes with a hope and wish that perhaps ,one day they will be able to do some Sai seva- some humble and noble deed which willmake their life worth living. Well, I guess now is the time..If we can not go to these villages toreach out to these helpless women and the needy children --We can surely help Indira MahilaMandali financially, so that we can help them to help others. Our financial assistance will helpthem
acquire land and building which will provide housing and the school for girls, itwill have a Handi Crafts training center which will help women to earn their livingand be confident, it will have Home for Aged ,It will have an overhead projector andother equipment to promote health and aids awareness in the slums and villages ,medical supplies and medical van to reach out to people who can’t afford to go to adoctor and much more.Don’t you think we all Sai devotees should help Indira Mahila Mandali in this humbleand noble deed.I dont know about you, but I am surely going to be a part of this great deed by helpingthem financially to help others who are in need.I am sharing their bank info so that u can also help them succeed in their goal alongwith me..You can be a part of this great deed by contributing either in cash or kind.You cansend them cash thru paypal by going to
You can also contribute money by check/DD/in favor of Indira Mahila MandaliSB A/c No. 11373 144673 (The Bank has online transfer facility)State Bank of India -Vinukonda - 522 647 Guntur Dt. A.P. S. India

If you are sending donation from outside India , you can use the paypal link at in the name of Mrs. Donna Manohar to SB a/c 11373 178056Please email the details to 
All gifts will be acknowledged.Mailing Address:Smt G. DimpleI MM (India)C/o Sri. T. Hanumantha Rao, AdvocateLane Behind RamalayamVinukonda -522 647Andhra Pradesh
Email :srisaidham@gmail.comFOR MORE DETAILS VISIT
Here is the copy of the activity report sent to me by the IndiraMahila MandaliActivity Report for the period ending 31
March 2009
DRINKING WATER SUPPLY:Drinking water drawn from Gundlakamma supplied to 300 families in 6
Ward and 29
ward in themonth(s) of April and May 2008 every day. One pot of water supplied to each family onalternate days to 200 families in 16
ward and Vennapusa Colony.Drinking water was provided to travelling public near Karampudi Bus stop. Sri G N Raovolunteered to over see this operation.HIV/AIDS AWARENESS CAMPS: The focus is HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment. In India there were 87% of theinfections are through heterosexual exposure. The program has been developed withthe basic message “Prevent Aids by Abstinence, Faithfulness and to compassionate”response to people suffering from HIV/AIDS.Main objectives are to share the truth about HIV/AIDS, offering pre and post testcounseling. Providefree medicines to the patients; to provide love and care to the HIV positive and theirfamilies.Camps are conducted in Dondapadu , Vitamrajupall i, Jangalapalli villages. 750 peoplewere provided free checkup and materials were distributed by sister Hebsiba, RNM.WOMEN AND CHILD HEALTH CAMP:A free medical camp was conducted at ZPHS Nadigadda to provide medical advice topregnant women, nursing mothers and small children. Dr Jaya and Dr Murthy providedservices to women and children respectively. Around 80 people attended the camp.ENVIRONMENT CLEANLINESS:A seminar was conducted in Ann’s school premises where Sri TVL Narasaimha Raoexplained about the hazards of unclean surroundings and the need for proper wastemanagement. A lot of valuablesuggestions were given on management of domestic waste. – Reduce – Recycle – Reuse. About 60 people from various parts of the town attended.

DISTRIBUTION OF MILK FRUITS ETC:Milk, bread and fruits were distributed to patients in local hospitals on Republic Day andGandhi Jayanti.SAIDHAM AND ASHRAMRegular meetings and Bhajans performed on every Thursday. Group Parayan of GuruChaitra and Sai leelamrutam witten by Sri E. Bharadwaj ji completed 9 times.Special programmes were arranged on Ugadi, Rama Navami, Guru Purnima andVijayadasami. A song competition on devotional songs conducted for children below 12.SUBMISSIONS REGARDING SAIDHAMPROJECT:We had 30 applications pending decision. Some senior men are also approaching us toprovide faculties for them to spend their last leg of life in peaceful and divineatmosphere. Some of them offered to pay Rs. 200 to 1000 per month.All our efforts are to see Sai in every creature and try to help any one in need to thebest of our ability according to the teachings of Sadguru in regarding our behavior inChapter 19. There is some purpose or rinanubandha in everything.We need land and it is the main obstacle to move ahead. It is our earnest hope that wewill be able to get this where in we propose to plant trees, rear cows, grow vegetablesetc to meet our requirements. We need to put up a bore well for water.We will be praying every Thursday evening and seek Baba’s help.Smt. Dimple will be writing again to Sai Parivar seeking donations for purchase of landand also pledges for the Home for Aged.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Plz forward this mail to everyone whom you think wishes to do some Sai Seva

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